We make money on loans just like the banks

Your investment is secured by real estate. We do it faster and easier than banks.

The loan is secured

We secure real estate at the cadastral office with a pledge

Historically maximum annual yield16.18% p.a.

The debtor guarantees the property

We will grant him a loan that is less than the value of the property he is guaranteeing

Average period for which the loan is granted24 months

Investment as credit


The investor provides his investment as a secured loan to the property owners and earns interest similar to banks. In turn, the property owner gets the financing. So both win in this relationship.

How we select projects
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How is your investment protected?

By credit agreement

Investors sign a single loan agreement together with the security agent TREZOR AGENT.

TREZOR AGENT, which co-finances each loan with investors, holds the lien on the property and resolves any disputes. The property owner guarantees the loan with his property. Read more about TREZOR AGENTS
  • We always have a first lien

By securing the property

The secured property has a higher market value than the loan, which sufficiently protects investors from loss. The market value of the property is usually different from the appraisal value.

That is why we pay attention and instead of the usual parameter LTV - the ratio between the debt and the expert's estimate of the market value of the property, we use LTL - the ratio between the debt and the market value of the property. Read more about LTL parameter
  • Real estate is always highly liquid

Current investment opportunities

How it works

  • 1
    The property owner wants a loan
  • 2
    We evaluate the property with a special system
  • 3
    We agree on the credit framework and sign the contract
  • 4
    We will publish the loan on the platform and open the opportunity to invest
  • 5
    We will provide financing to the owner who is repaying the loan
  • 6
    We pay a return to investors every month

Invest in hundreds of loans secured by real estate. Banks capitalize on the lucrative real estate market by making secured loans. Today, you too can easily invest in secured loans with double-digit returns

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