You can get started right now

We are building a place for safe investing. Invest easily and from the comfort of your home.

  • We are a financial market entity regulated by the Slovak National Bank.
  • Short-term investing is a good way to diversify.
  • An experienced investor invests at least €5,000 per year with us.
Everything happens in our modern appCreate a free account
  • Modern application
  • Dozens of investment opportunities
  • Affiliate Program
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Step by step


Create an account

Our intelligent registration process is designed for fast use from anywhere in the world. Simply create an account, verify your identity through the app, deposit your bank account and come invest.


Deposit funds into your account

You can invest from €50 to €30,000 in a single project. If you are considering an investment of more than €30,000, or if you are an institutional investor, please contact us at [email protected]. Start building your own investment portfolio.


Choose an investment opportunity

View all investment opportunities in your investor account. Get complete information before you invest in the one you trust the most.



The borrower repays the principal and interest according to an agreed schedule. The investor can see the details and progress of the income payments throughout the investment period in his investor account. The proceeds can be freely manipulated immediately after their disbursement, the invested funds are released to the investor's account after the borrower has fully repaid the invested loan.

All fully digital

Without having to go anywhereCreate a free account
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Check us out

"Investovanie tu nie je problém, som nadmieru spokojný so servisom aj celkovým prístupom."

Maťo Valihora
Investor Category:100 € +

"S Invest in Slovakia investujem už viac ako rok. Absolútne bezkonkurenčná online podpora a dobre premyslené projekty s atraktívnym výnosom."

Martina Drobná
Investor Category:2 000 € +

"Investoval som väčšiu sumu a som nesmierne spokojný s dizajnom a prístupom k nám investorom. Dokonca aj telefóny zdvíhajú a ochotne nám pomáhajú."

Laco Molnár
Investor Category:1 000 € +

"Investovanie na tejto platforme je jednoduché, bez zbytočných poplatkov, s jasnými a transparentnými informáciami. Zaujímavé bonusy a neustále zlepšovanie služieb robia z investovania príjemnú a výhodnú skúsenosť. Teším sa na nové nehnuteľnosti ktoré si vyberiem v rámci môjho investičného portfólia.”

Lukáš Martinko
Investor Category:6 000 € +

We select projects with a high degree of integrity. Always so that everything is protected, secured and insured.

How do we select projects?

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