
Get to know us. We care about your investment

We are a carefully constructed team. Together we have worked for 60 years in the real estate, banking and insurance industries. We are a team of industry professionals.

Contact us
  • We are a financial market entity regulated by the Slovak National Bank.
  • Short-term investing is a good way to diversify.
  • An experienced investor invests at least €5,000 per year with us.

Crucial moments

The first campaign

Getting the first client and launching the first investment campaign for 40.000 €.

- November 2019

€1.5 million

Investments in real estate projects with a total value of € 1.5 million.

- Year 2020

Payment of proceeds

Returning the first principal and interest to our investors, confirming the reliability and profitability of the investment.

- Year 2021

€5 million

The total turnover of brokered investments achieved this year alone exceeded € 5 million.

- Year 2022

177 campaigns

We have successfully funded more than 177 campaigns. Not one has failed.

- Year 2023

Licensing of the NBS

Obtaining a licence from the National Bank of Slovakia. New design and functionalities. New investment opportunities for € 25 million.

- Year 2024
They wrote about us:

Meet the team

Ondrej Cirbus

Výkonný riaditeľ

Ondrej Cirbus

Čo bolo dôvodom pre Ondreja

Hodnota uspaná v nehnuteľnostiach predstavuje obrovský kapitál. Poslaním Ondreja a tímu je transformovať tento "spiaci" kapitál na aktívne peňažné zdroje. S našimi inovatívnymi nástrojmi sme pripravení odblokovať spiace miliardy eur v nehnuteľnostiach. Týmto prístupom nielenže umožňujeme investorom zhodnotiť svoje finančné prostriedky na doteraz ťažko dosiahnuteľných aktívach, ale tiež prinášame dynamiku a likviditu na trhu s nehnuteľnosťami, ktorý nebol dostatočne využitý.

Moje skúsenosti:

  • Pevný líder
  • Vízionár
  • Strategické myslenie
  • Hybná sila zmeny

Ján Hollý

Finančný riaditeľ

Robert Kantor

Člen vedenia

Bibiana Uhrinová

Personálna riaditeľka

Mária Štefaňáková

Manažérka vzťahu s investormi

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