Podcast INTERVIEW 🎙️ - Miroslav Béreš

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Editorial Invest in Slovakia

Miro Béreš started as a documentary filmmaker. In his life, he has had a career in media and sports and is now breaking into the third sector. His story is about failures and successes, but mostly about a man's struggle to grab fate by the scruff of the neck. 

He is from Piešt'any and has worked in documentary filmmaking. He got into the media and eventually into the third sector - the community of disabled people. He studied in Ruzomberok and in Los Angeles, where he was in high school, where he did his high school diploma and represented the school in three sports.

Where did his wanderings with the camera take him?

He became more familiar with the camera in Ružomberok, where he and a friend started to create content voluntarily. He looked up to Pavel Barbáš and his travel documentaries. In his third year, he returned to America again, earned money for technology and met a man who worked at National Geographic. He made two documentaries in English and they made it to the Travel Channel. The first film was about 21st century American cowboys and the second was from South American Chile, where he lived with locals on Easter Island.

How did he come to start his own television?

He made some money from production, finished college. He chose a business plan as his thesis topic, where he investigated whether an alternative commercial television in Slovakia with a meaningful programme would survive. He founded Television Zet in Bratislava, which was a success. However, a partner couldn't handle the pressure, stole the equipment and Miro ended up with no money and no contacts. It was a painful fall.

What did he learn from this difficult experience? What lesson did it teach you?

He is grateful for the whole situation. Every time he had a financial problem, a bigger contract came along. It taught him to watch out for people, not to be so trusting, to have clear terms and conditions and protection against such events. He prefers to put everything on paper so he knows what they can expect.

When did the idea of the disadvantaged in our society come about?

He and his wife, a doctor, decided to start a website to make information about their daughter's syndrome more accessible. Subsequently, they came up with the concept of handling multiple syndromes. The goal was to connect families who are disadvantaged. Over time, the information began to spread among doctors and physiotherapists, etc. They created a list of syndromes called "Genetic Syndromes".

What about the "Smile for the Mountains" challenge?

Portal "Smile at the mountains" - this is a challenge where a person "runs" 20 mountains and the proceeds from the entry fee go to underprivileged children. Combining healthy exercise with an inclusive area and helping others.

Why did you start O.Z.?

The aim of setting up the civic association was to use the 2% from taxes to pay for rehabilitation of sick children. For them it amounted to about 12 000 euro/year. Priority was to be for the support of Dominika, but through the Genetic Syndromes project people started to contact them.

What about the "financial shootout" with Miro?

What does money mean to him?

  • So that a person can be pleased, so that a person can buy something that pleases him.

When is a man rich?

Everyone has different claims to wealth. Miro is satisfied when he has paid off all his debts and has money left over to be happy.

What is the role of education for him?

  • At the end of the day, it's a benefit. Even at the Socrates Institute, it makes a difference. Lifelong learning is excellent.

A what about a good book?

  • He likes to read fiction. He recommends that everyone make time for books because we get to think different thoughts and educate ourselves. The book INTO THE WILD has given him a lot.

What was his worst investment?

  • Wasting resources - and food. If a person spends a lot of money on food that he doesn't even eat.

What skill does he consider most important for success?

  • Perseverance - going towards the goal.

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About the author
Editorial Invest in Slovakia
The Invest in Slovakia crowdfunding platform facilitates investments in Slovak real estate projects to investors from all over Europe. It focuses on innovative solutions with benefits for the surrounding area. The long-term effort of the team of specialists is the development of financial literacy. It provides clients with access to thoroughly vetted assets with different appreciation strategies.

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NBS. On the basis of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 October 2020 on European crowdfunding service providers for business and amending Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 and Directive (EU) 2019/1937 (the "Regulation on European crowdfunding service providers for business"), crowdfunding will become a legally regulated activity. From the nature of the Regulation in question, it is expected that the authority authorising and supervising the activities of crowdfunding service providers within the Slovak Republic will be the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic or the National Bank of Slovakia. As a provider of crowdfunding services, we welcome this effort of the European Parliament and we are ready to actively participate in the implementation of the Regulation in order to clarify and set uniform rules for crowdfunding within Slovakia as well as throughout the European Union.
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